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Sunday, January 31, 2010


May be I sound anti-indian but this has been lingering in my mind ever since I stepped foot in this great nation called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. At first, it was a cultural shock and took few months to get adapted. Once adapted, this thought crept into my mind - Does 'WHILE IN ROME BE A ROMAN' apply to NRI's here(as they are proudly referred to back in our home country). Till date, I have hardly met people who have adapted to this culture (I do not mean to say that we forget our culture). This is making me increasingly difficult to mingle around with my country-men as I feel that I have changed the way I live/think in United States. This is just my opinion and has no direct or indirect reference to anyone I have met here until today.


  1. It is not easy da. Even to get into a bus here you must know to push a few people aside and make your way in. When you see everything free and open you may get a feel that something is not right !!!! From what I have seen, if you can't find the happy-medium like you did, a deep-rooted internal-conflict is what will help.

  2. That's an interesting thought..I guess "when in Rome be a Roman" applies when your intention is to return back to where you came from - so for a while it wouldn't hurt to be a "Roman"..but if you intend to stay in "Rome" forever, then I guess you cannot save yourself from becoming a complete "Roman" yourself!

  3. You are correct. I am referring to those who already have a citizenship in US and I assume they would never go back to India. These kind of people have really not made a concious attempt to integrate themselves with the rest of the society. I know it is debatable but surely we can test the waters on other side of your fence too.
