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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oil spill

I wonder if the recent oil spill on Gulf Coast is an act of god trying to warn us about the destruction caused by humanity to this planet earth. I believe we have taken nature for granted and caused irreparable damage. May be, it is time for us to give up these materialistic pleasures and comforts to save the Planet Earth. Having got used to the current way of life, I find it really difficult to lead an environment-friendly lifestyle due to many reasons. Going green is just a buzz word and not many have really embraced this idea in real life except for few Hollywood celebrities who could afford. My first step towards going green was to replace all the bulbs to energy saving ones. My next big move could be to buy a hybrid vehicle. I would urge all of you to become environment friendly in order to save this planet and human race from extinction. I am afraid that some day we would be covered ourselves with oil (like the pelicans and fishes) paying a huge price for our own actions. That's when we would realize that death is better than being alive.

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