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Monday, February 15, 2010

Fight against piracy...

There is hardly any Indian Grocery store in Dallas, TX where movie piracy is non-existent. Recently, I had been to a grocery store in Plano, TX where you get a free 'pirated' DVD once your grocery bill exceeds $50. It's the demand among the Indian population which is driving the sales for these $2 each DVDs. Indians are considered to be the most educated and one of the smartest in the community here. Yet, we completely turn a blind eye towards this growing problem. I personally fight this problem by avoiding renting/purchasing any pirated DVD but this would not deter others from doing the same. At this point, I am helpless and I hope that some day I would be joined by few others who have the same opinion as me so that we can collectively fight piracy and educate our future generations.

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