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Sunday, February 21, 2010

UNITED STATES - Will it lose its 'super power' status?

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the greatest country on this planet with the mightiest military machine and most advanced economy, is grappling with issues which could reduce its dominance in today's world. Fighting two wars, an inefficient healthcare system, failed educational reforms, rising poverty, rising unemployment are some of the issues which are haunting this great nation. Growing debt is what concerns me the most.If we do not tame the debt in next 10 years, US would no longer be a lone super power. Instead, it would be joined with India and China which are growing at a faster pace.

My view is that there is no country currently prepared to take over the responsibilities of United States. With Obama in the office, I am hoping to see changes in the Healthcare, education, fiscal policy, unemployment, homeland security and foreign policy. USA can still dominate the world if it can create opportunities for small businesses, revamp its educational system, reduce dependence on foreign oil, reduce borrowing, improve homeland security, create jobs and assure its people that there is still opportunities in this best country on the planet.

I am here to live the AMERICAN DREAM and I hope this country does not let me down. I still believe that I am in the right place at the right moment.


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