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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Operation Moshtarak

This is the latest and the biggest offensive ever conducted by NATO troops against taliban in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. Includes over 5000 US marines and rest 4000 from around 43 nationalities. But how would one gauge the success of this operation? This remains questionable. One thing is for sure that if they succeed in driving the taliban out of this province, they could bring in some civilian aid and workers who could build the trust among the Afghans.

It is high time that we start thinking about the future of this war-ravaged country rather than arguing about the reason for its present situation. Ironically, rulers from Afghanistan looted most of India's wealth during the 15th and 16th century and today it is the poorest country.

My friend once said "May be continuous karma is haunting Afghanistan." Who is next in the line? Is it an obvious guess...Its neighbor PAKISTAN??? Let us wait and watch.

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